Monthly Archives: June 2014

Hotel for Saturday night!

Classmate Jason Stefanski writes to us:

We have a block of rooms reserved at Willows Lodge at a discounted rate for your convenience. The hotel is right next door to Red Hook so you’ll be able to walk to your room from the event!

The discounted rate is $299 for the night (instead of the regular price of $369) for a “Nicer King Room”. To reserve your room, call the lodge at 425-424-3900 and mention that you’re with the Hazen Class of ’94 Reunion group.

There is no hard deadline to book a room, but there are only 15 rooms on the contract. The “deadline” just depends on how quickly we fill up these rooms, so better to book sooner! Just like any other hotel reservation, there is no charge for making the reservation now. You just have to give them your credit card number to hold the room.

If we get a lot of interest, we can expand the contract by adding blocks of 5 rooms at a time. I’ll be working with the Willows Lodge staff on this as needed. If we fill these 15 rooms but *don’t* expand the contract, Willows Lodge will allow people to book up to 5 additional rooms at the discounted rate on a space-available basis. My goal is simply to make sure that everyone who wants a room, gets one, at the discounted rate!

Thanks and I look forward to seeing everyone there!
